to the artists, designers and craftspeople who think I call their work kitsch... this is NOT the case, it refers to my own work

Dec 21, 2007

fascinating Lieve Prins

Strolling through the Jordaan quarter we noticed eye catching artworks in a window (that is why the image is not so good, taken from an angle to keep out my reflection). They reminded me of a performance we saw at a friends house who is a childhood friend of Lieve Prins. The works are from her latest series Idolls.
Lieve Prins is a pioneer in copy art. Manipulating the copier, building up her work with A3 and A4 copies, she developed a specific image language. A closer look on the 'Anthropomorphs' works reveals that the trees are made from arms, legs and hands. Gorgeous flowers are in fact fists, really fascinating to discover what the image is made from.

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